The title of this article implies that you can enrich your life by improving your people service, but what exactly is people service? Is it like customer service? If so, and you are not in customer service, how does it apply to you?
These questions will be answered in this article, and they will be answered by me, Linda Allen, the author of the popular,very helpeful book “Out with Customer Service and In with People Service.” Order the book today!
This article and, by extension, my book, work from the valid premise that our lives are more than working in customer service and they most definitely are about more than being in business or living in a bubble. Man is a social creature. We need other people for our happiness and for our survival, and if that is true, which it is, then it would behoove each and every one of us to learn how to improve the way we relate to, and with, other people.
Shall we begin?
Do you want to improve your relationships? Start by becoming a person people can trust.
Try this exercise: think of someone, in your own life, you do not trust. Now ask yourself why it is you don’t trust that person. Did they lie to you in the past? Did they fail to follow through on a promise they made? Did they hurt you?
Build trust with people and your circle of friends will enlarge. People want to trust. People want to count on others because, quite frankly, the thought of going life alone is frightening. Give people reasons to trust you and you will have taken a huge step in the “people service” quest.
Mutual Respect
We have been taught this since Bible school or Kindergarten, but it’s amazing how quickly we forget: treat people with respect, and give them reasons based on your interaction with them to respect you. Other than the sociopaths among us, all people want to be respected, and they will almost always return the respect to others. “Pass it on” is not some clever line from a movie; it is the truth in life. Pass on good works i.e. respect, and it will come around to you in time.
Welcome Diversity
There are over 7.5 billion people on this planet. You are one of them. All 7.5 billion bring a unique way of looking at life and dealing with life. One idea, one size, one train of thought does not fit all. Be willing to open up your ears, your mind, and your heart to the diversity in this world and it will pay dividends in the future.
Open Communication
Yes, you may openly talk to me. Yes, I may openly talk to you. We can share thoughts and dreams and ideas, and in so doing we can tear down walls which restrict true communication and sharing of ideas. Why would we ever want to restrict ideas in life?
Walk Your Talk
Nothing spells a desire to relate to others like walking your talk. A lot of people talk a great game, but few live a great game. Do you want people to trust you? Work with you? Grow with you? The first step, then, is to be genuine and walk your talk.
And that’s it for now! Contact Linda for more information. Work on these five steps to improve your people skills. I promise it will change your life for the better and help you in making a living, making a life.